
RM 100,000
  • 4x Summit Main Conference VIP Pass
  • 10x Summit Main Conference Pass
  • Bag Insert
  • Program Book (A5)
    a) 1 Page for advertising
    b) Business card listing
  • RDCBiZ Portal Membership
  • Logo to be shown :
    a) Website
    b) Digital backdrop
    c) Bunting
  • Exhibition Booth (3x2m)
  • 1 Minutes video montage
  • 5 Minutes Promotion slot
    (on stage)
  • 10x Conference pass


RM 50,000
  • 2x Summit Main Conference VIP Pass
  • 4x Summit Main Conference Pass
  • Bag Insert
  • Program Book (A5)
    a) 1 Page for advertising
    b) Business card listing
  • RDCBiZ Portal Membership
  • Logo to be shown :
    a) Website
    b) Digital backdrop
    c) Bunting
  • Exhibition Booth (3x2m)
  • 1 Minutes video montage
  • 5 Minutes Promotion slot
    (on stage)
  • 4x Conference pass


RM 30,000
  • 4x Summit Main Conference Pass
  • Bag Insert
  • Program Book (A5)
    a) Half page for advertising
    b) Business card listing
  • RDCBiZ Portal Membership
  • Logo to be shown :
    a) Website
    b) Digital backdrop
    c) Bunting
  • 4x Conference pass


RM 20,000
  • 3x Summit Main Conference Pass
  • 1x Summit Dinner Seat
  • Bag Insert
  • Program Book (A5)
    a) Half page for advertising
    b) Business card listing
  • RDCBiZ Portal Membership
  • Logo to be shown :
    a) Website
    b) Digital backdrop
    c) Bunting
  • 3x Conference pass

Bronze III

RM 15,000
  • 3x Summit Main Conference Pass
  • Bag Insert
  • Program Book (A5)
    a) Logo only
    b) Business card listing
  • RDCBiZ Portal Membership
  • Logo to be shown :
    a) Website
    b) Digital backdrop
    c) Bunting
  • 3x Conference pass

Bronze II

RM 10,000
  • 2x Summit Main Conference Pass
  • Bag Insert
  • Program Book (A5)
    a) Logo only
    b) Business card listing
  • RDCBiZ Portal Membership
  • Logo to be shown :
    a) Website
    b) Digital backdrop
    c) Bunting
  • 2x Conference pass

Bronze I

RM 5,000
  • 1x Summit Main Conference Pass
  • Bag Insert
  • Program Book (A5)
    a) Logo only
    b) Business card listing
  • RDCBiZ Portal Membership
  • Logo to be shown :
    a) Website
    b) Digital backdrop
    c) Bunting
  • 1x Conference pass

Please click here to download our prospectus and the sponsorship reply form.

Submit your queries and application to : 

