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QURBAN LAOS – 1 Portion Cow


Ibadah Qurban Cow will be performed in Loas
Meat will be distributed to Mualaf, the poor and the needy and those in a great deal of hardship in the community.


I hereby entrust Regional Development Community Berhad (RDCB) to manage this Qurban, for the year 1442H/2021, on my behalf and the names stated below

1. Cost to manage this Qurban is included in the price given
2. Any surplus from this project will be utilised for the benefit of the needy in any of the said countries
3. All qurban participation received after the closing date will be refunded

Out of stock

SKU: P-Q2-C1/7 Categories: , , , Tags: ,

RDCB Qurban in Laos
Qurban for 1 portion of Cow for 1 name / participant