
We provide funds for projects that promote inclusive and sustainable economic growths, employments and decent work for all.

We invest in projects designed to help provide disadvantaged women with education and skills, awareness about their rights and much more. Our initiatives include establishing women centres to provide training and upgrading their skills, conferences/seminar and providing business opportunities for small scale women entrepreneurs.

We aim to provide “quality education and promote life long learning opportunities for all”. Projects include building of schools or upgrading of existing school facilities, and leadership and skill trainings.

We support projects that upgrade the communities and promote ‘home-grown’ community products. These projects include building of community and social enterprise centres and small enterprises – food and craft etc.

We help secure funding for projects to upgrade infrastructure such as clean water system, sanitation and electricity supply.

We are committed to create healthy communities by promoting health awareness through education, health screenings and primary medical management to urban and rural communities.

We also promote initiatives to support better community engagements towards a harmonious society such as cultural programmes and celebration, media and broadcasting of cross-cultural talks & raising awareness and sporting events 


                    is committed to pursuing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We focus on seven main priority areas, adapted from the 17 SDGs set by the United Nations. These priority areas guide and shape our community projects, ensuring that they align with the global agenda for sustainable development.

Our Focus Areas

In parallel with our objective to create sustainable communities across the Asia Pacific region in a holistic approach grounded in principles of empowerment, together with our partners, we are embarking on a number of notable projects in which we will serve many communities and bring sustainable change to tens of thousands of people’s lives.

This holistic approach revolves around our own 7 focus areas that are aligned with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which are;

  1. Economic Based Initiatives
  2. Infrastructure Projects
  3. Education and Training Projects
  4. Community Based Projects 
  5. Women Empowerment Initiatives
  6. Health and Well-Being Initiatives
  7. Community Engagement and Harmony Initiatives