No. of contributors: 97
Total Amount Collected: RM 12, 312 ( updated as 22 Feb 2021). Current Achievement : 25% from RM 50,000
RDC Bhd is planning to establish a media studio (RDC Studio) as a platform for sharing community development activities carried out. The planned activities and programs are as follows:
• Weekly Mandarin Channel
• Weekly Talk Show Radio, Live Streaming
• Weekly interview on personalities involved in various community development programs
• Short video series on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Education
• Many More
An office has been rented for the above purpose and renovation works for the construction of the studio has already been initiated.
Program / Video Contents Have Been Published:
( Visit our Facebook Page to watch the video content)
RDC STUDIO is already in operation

Our Target
To complete the setting-up and run the first phase of the RDC Studio Project, funds amounting to RM50,000.00 is required.
For this RDC Bhd is seeking contributions/infaq from the community.
Type of Donation
Donation can be done online in the multiple of RM 10 ( Ten Ringgit Malaysian).
For the donation received amounting to RM 1000 or more, we will list the donor’s names on the donor recognition wall to be placed at RDC Studio.
Online: https://rdc.mimbar.my/infaq/1022
Our Bank Account: MAYBANK ISLAMIC : 562209655694
( Regional Development Community Bhd)
For Enquiry : WhatsApp +6013-335-9317 ( Safwan)